Research Information

Follow this link to the CAPSTONE PROJECT FORM and make sure your project is still the one you plan to present. 

Follow this link to add your project title to my classroom list. 

Capstone Project: Information on Writing and Research:
Over the summer, you might want to check out the rubric for your Capstone Projects. Choose a topic you might want to write about, and begin your research.

EasyBib: Sign up for an EasyBib Account if you do not already have one. The Coupon Code right now is: WilburCross2016. Use EasyBib to store your research sources -- and use the summer to read up on your topic.

Research: You should be using authentic sources for your research. You can access the Wilbur Cross Media Center from home. See the "Login Codes" to the right. Tab down on the red books. ICONN's "One Search" is an easy search engine for many sources.